To convert your cylinder head:
Strip old cylinder head, check for cracks and then clean in caustic soda.
- After washing off the caustic solution in a hot wash tank, dry the head and grit blasted to remove any remaining carbon and
to clean the waterways.
- Fit the Manganese silicon bronze valve guides and ream to size. (Bronze removes heat two and a half times faster than
original cast iron valve guides.
- Fit the Lead free exhaust seats inserts.
- Cut the valve seats using three angles, (30, 45 and 60 degree). This aids the flow and increases B.H.P. by approx 7% with
premium lead-free fuel.
- Blend the throat valves to remove any sharp edges caused by fitting the inserts and cutting the seats.
- Skim Head if required.
- After de-burring, hot wash the head, dry , assemble and paint.
This procedure is best left to a qualified engineer/machinist and these instructions are offered as a guideline only!